Friday, February 16, 2007

Diamond Consciousness

Welcome, Friends, to Diamond Consciousness!

As humanity exits the Mayan 4th World and moves into the 5th, we are living during the prophesied days of both breakdown and breakthrough. We straddle an old paradigm that has long-outlived its usefulness, and a New Paradigm increasingly emerging that is aligned with the principles of Global Peace, Love, Unity and Galactic Synchronisation. This is the time of the Crossing, of the Great Shift of the Ages.

Diamond Consciousness is a portal that presents

...prophecy, prediction, quantum physics, spirituality, neurobiology, cosmology, astrology, politics, music, poetry, solar and earth changes to facilitate ecstatic Union with the Divine and to broadcast a Vision and Vibration of Transformation, Peace, LOVE and Galactic Synchronisation during these days of critical change.

In the words of Terence McKenna:

Our planet is on a collision course with something that we, at our present state of knowledge, don’t have a word for. We are soon to be sucked into the body of eternity. My model points to 11:18 AM, Greenwich Mean Time, December 21, 2012 AD.

We are living in the days long-heralded by Indigenous Peoples worldwide, as well as given by the Great Avatars and Mystics of old, and the visionaries in our present day. The signs of change are everywhere, and both revolution and evolution walk hand in hand.

Between now and 2012 we have an opportunity to choose Global Peace, Love, Unity and Galactic Synchronisation – and to take our places as multidimensional, responsible caretakers of the Earth and of one another once more, as One. We have an opportunity to see that we don't create in a vacuum: that every word and every feeling we broadcast has an effect upon the collective. We are all connected.

Humanity has the opportunity to decide its own fate, based upon the individual and consensual choices it makes right now to embrace LOVE and the Truth of our Divine Origins.

And certainly, as Einstein famously said:

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

And he was right.

The various Programs, Services and Products available on this website aim to facilitate Diamond Consciousness:

… a pristine, laser-like, multi-faceted level of awareness that sees everything and in which all points of view are integrated in one perspective for maximum impact. So that the mind-body-spirit and emotions are perfectly integrated and centrifugally coordinated as one resonant, harmonious unit in time and space. With this level of awareness and presence, there is no wastage of energy or focus, one navigates life effortlessly, and all actions are in perfect harmony with the whole. All that is needed manifests precisely at the moment it is needed for the Highest Good of all.

Essentially, Diamond Consciousness is a state of Perfect Alignment with Source, which you are. It is about developing a pristine, discerning internal radar that helps you navigate this Shift. It is about remembering your Brilliance, your Freedom, your Radiance, your Power, your Truth and LOVE. It is about being the master of your thoughts, your words, your languaging, your emotions. It is precisely these that will determine your individual destiny, as well as the destiny of humanity in this prophesied timeframe. It is these that will determine how well you navigate. These that will determine which world you will choose to live in by the vibrations that you broadcast. It is about recognising your Oneness with all that exists.

More specifically still, the Diamond Consciousness Website:

Upholds the creation of a Planetary Society based upon Global Peace, Harmony, Creativity, Oneness, Unity and LOVE

Supports Galactic Synchronisation by 2012

Supports the Peaceful, definitive departure from tyranny, fear, destruction and control in all its nefarious forms via the Powers of Thought and Intent, coordinated Group Effort and the all-conquering Power of LOVE

Helps coordinate and maintain pulsating, multidimensional lightgrids of enormous power and intent to radiate ongoing LOVE into the global networks dedicated to Global Peace, Love and Unity

Puts first the Sacred Worldview of our connection to the Earth, one another and to the Divine – and makes a stand for what is acceptable behaviour for our children and those yet to be born

Facilitates the waking up out of the Illusion of Separation and reminds us of our Divinity, our Power and our Limitlessness as Luminous Beings of Eternal Love and Light

Provides a virtual meeting place for free-thinkers, writers, artists, politicians, musicians, poets, activists, futurists, healers, scientists and environmentalists to strategise, create and navigate in the limitless fields of quantum possibility of the New Paradigm

Upholds the tenets of the Greater Remembrance:
We are One
All is One
LOVE is the key
LOVE conquers all

These are the days we have long awaited. We are One! Let us dance this most exhilarating of dances, just as we planned, for our good and for the Highest Good of all! I look forward to our Journey together!

In Lakech,
Fatima Bacot

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1 comment:

Diamond Consciousness said...

Hi Fatima, Curious about the comment left were you? Lovely Blog you have here. I'll be sure to return. Nik